
Smoke/Gas Detector

It consists of smoke and gas sensor which detects the presence of smoke or any other flammable gas and activate a relay for alarm.


Technical Specifications

Model: SD10A
Voltage: 240V +- 5%
Frequency: 50Hz
Technology: Microcontroller-Based
Power Supply Input Filter: Provided
ON-OFF Status LED: Provided
Sensor Type: MQ-2
Sensing element: SnO2 (Tin Di Oxide), Conductivity
decreases in clean air and increases in the presence of smoke, propane, and natural gas.

Detection Range: 300 to 10000 ppm of smoke/flammable gas

Output: Potential free contact
Mounting: Surface Mounted
Enclosure: IP 20, ABS
Temperature: 40 deg C

Other Features: As soon as it detects presence of smoke or any other flammable gas, sensor gets activated  and microcontroller initiates a command to energize a relay and subsequently closing of potential free contacts of relay, which  triggers an alarm. The smoke detector can also be connected with a modem and in addition to triggering a local alarm it sends signals to modem. After receiving signal from smoke detector modem sends alert SMS messages on mobile numbers which are stored in the micro controller program. This arrangement is useful for unmanned remote locations.